Symptoms of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
The symptoms of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia are seen when there are increased number of immature cells (blast cells) present in the blood. This reduces the quantity of normal blood cells and if not treated the amount continuously and at point the leukemia cells quantity becomes more than the normal blood cells.
Symptoms of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
The symptoms for Acute lymphoblastic leukemia are as follows,
Feeling very tired: In this condition patient feel very tired in even day times and will to have some rest.
Feeling ill normally: In this patient fell illness and discomfort in the body especially in mouth, throat, tummy, or my have swollen spleen and liver.
Weight loss: Patient losses his/her weight rapidly and getting weaker and by the time.
Looking pale: In this condition patient looks pale due to anaemia which is caused by reduction is quantity of red blood cells.
Pain in bones and joints: Patient feel pain in his/her bones and joints this is because Acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells are effecting bones and joints.
Having various and frequent infections: This symptoms of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is caused by the low quantity of white blood cells in the blood, which make the body immune system less effective to fight with intruders
A fine rash of dark red spots: In this symptom of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia rashes and dark red spots are appeared on the skin.
Unusual bleeding: This symptom of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is caused by the reduction in the quantity of platelets, this includes unusual bleeding from nose, gums or heavy periods in women.
Swollen lymph glands: In this symptoms of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia the lymph glands or nodes under the arm, neck and on other part of the body become inflamed.
Additionally symptoms of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
These Symptoms of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia are also caused by having large quantity of abnormal white blood cells and in comparison with less quantity of normal red cells, platelets and white cells. It is found that most people with these symptoms don’t have Acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
It is also rarely observed that a person will not have any of above symptoms and the Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is discovered during normal blood test. Symptoms of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia may appear rapidly over some weeks, and treatment should be given as soon as possible.
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What is Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
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Symptoms of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
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