Acute lymphoblastic leukemia:Risk factors and Causes of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Causes of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Causes of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Causes of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

The risk factors and causes of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is still not known by the medical sciences, but research is under progress on Acute lymphoblastic leukemia time to time to find out risk factors and Causes of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is not infectious as like nature of cancer and can’t be spreads to other people and children.

Causes of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

As stated above the risk factors of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is still in dark. However, there are a some risk factors that may increase the developing of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Which are as follows:

  • Genetic conditions
  • Radiation
  • Infection
  • Exposure to chemicals


Genetic conditions (Causes of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia)

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia did not caused by the gene inherited from the parents so there is no risk regarding genetic inherit, but may have increased risk with certain genetic disorder such as Fanconi’s anaemia and Down’s syndrome, people having genetic disorder conditions are at high risk to have  Acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Radiation (Causes of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia)

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia may also be caused due to high exposure to very high radiation levels such as radiation form nuclear plant or nuclear weapon. However, very few people in world have chance to be in exposure to the radiation high enough to increase their risk of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Now a day it is speculating in the news that increase cases are found in Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in the people living nearby to nuclear power plants. Researchers are looking for it, but currently no evidence found in this regard.

Infections (Causes of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia)

It is also seems that there is some chance that Acute lymphoblastic leukemia occurs due to a sequence of genetic changes in a special group of undeveloped blood cells. The causes of genetic changes are still at dark side, but infection may be the reason in the behind this. In spite of that no particular infection found to be the cause for Acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Exposure to chemicals (Causes of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia)

Researchers have agreed that Acute lymphoblastic leukemia may have occurs in the people who spent there much of time in high exposure to chemicals used in the industries like benzene and other dangerous industrial solvents but these cases are found very rarely.


Conditions that are NOT causes of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

There are also some misconception for the cause of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia  that it will caused by the following  reasons

Living near under high-voltage electricity cables

High Exposure to electromagnetic fields

Normal household radiation.

Research of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia has shown that risk of developing this cancer is not increased by the above conditions.

Related Topics:

What is Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Risk factors and causes of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Symptoms of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Diagnosis of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Treatment of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia


See Also

What is Cancer?

What are the Characteristics of Cancer

What are the Kinds of Cancer?