A root canal (endodontic treatment) is infamous for being painful. However, modern dentistry with anesthetics has made this procedure much quicker and painless.

There is also a myth that root canals can cause illness. This is based on flawed research done almost a century ago that was debunked years ago.

No Sensation in the Tooth

There is information on the internet claiming that root canal treatment can make you more likely to become ill or contract a disease. This false claim stems from poorly designed research performed over a century ago before advanced medicine understood the causes of diseases.

Root canal Kalamazoo MI treatment relieves pain and discomfort. A root canal procedure is usually a quick, painless process. Dentists will remove infected tissue once the tooth is numb, clean the canal, and fill it. The tooth should then remain healthy and able to withstand biting pressure.

Even after receiving a root canal, a patient may continue to experience temperature sensitivity in the treated tooth because they may confuse the pain for another tooth that is nearby that has not received a root canal. Regardless, saving your natural teeth when possible is always best rather than having them extracted and replaced with prosthetics.


Many patients believe root canal treatment is painful, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. With the help of anesthetics and sedation dentistry, this procedure is no more uncomfortable than getting a filling or dental crown.

Most pain associated with root canal therapy comes from the underlying infection. A root canal removes the pain-causing bacteria and alleviates the toothache.

A common myth is that a root canal makes the tooth more prone to future infections. This is false, as the tooth can still be affected by other causes of infection, such as a crack or chip, deep decay, repeated dental procedures on a tooth, large fillings, or trauma to the face.

Some people may feel mild discomfort after a root canal, but this is usually the result of natural tissue inflammation and can be quickly relieved with over-the-counter pain medications. Although there are artificial solutions to replacing a tooth after a root canal, these are costly and don’t last as long as an original healthy tooth.

Requires Multiple Appointments

In many cases, root canal treatment can be completed in one appointment with the help of newer technology. This reduces post-operative pain, gingival trauma caused by rubber dam application, and inter-appointment leakage through temporary restorations.

On the second visit, a permanent dental filling, inlay/onlay, or crown will be placed to restore the tooth’s strength and function and prevent future infections due to the hollow space. This also allows the tooth to be restored into the bite, alleviating problems such as temporomandibular joint syndrome and occlusion issues.

While it may be easier to yank out a tooth suffering from severe damage, the truth is that this causes other teeth to shift and may lead to future issues with the jaw joints. Plus, replacement is likely to look less natural or perform as well as your healthy natural teeth.

Teeth Usually Need to Be Extracted

A tooth that needs root canal treatment may exhibit various symptoms, including pain in the tooth, sensitivity to hot or cold liquids or foods, and puffy, swollen gums. If you experience these symptoms, the tooth pulp has likely died, and a root canal is needed.

Another myth from incorrect research nearly a century ago claims that root canal treatment can spread bacteria throughout the body and cause systematic illness. Research has debunked this claim, as correlation does not imply causation.

While it might seem easier to yank a problem tooth and replace it with an artificial one, your dental health and overall well-being should save the natural tooth. It’s also cheaper and less complicated to do so than it is to deal with a more serious issue down the road. In addition, an artificial tooth cannot replace the look and function of a natural tooth. It also takes more time to care for an artificial tooth properly, requiring a more significant financial commitment and potential complications.