While the exact cause of glioblastoma multiforme is unknown, some people with specific genetic syndromes are at increased risk. These include Neurofibromatosis type 1 and Turcot syndrome. Other possible causes include meningioma, the most common brain tumor, accounting for 30% of all cases. Other tumors that develop in the brain have benign schwannomas, slow-growing tumors.


In a recent study, researchers investigated the prevalence of fatigue in patients with a primary brain tumor and its relationship with treatment outcomes. They also examined the risk factors for fatigue and other secondary effects. The findings suggest that patients with brain tumors are more likely to experience fatigue. Patients undergoing fatigue are also expected to have different disease symptoms, such as sleep disturbance or mood changes.

Fatigue was a common disease symptom and was significantly associated with neurological disability. The patients with severe fatigue reported substantially higher levels of depression and anxiety than those with mild or no fatigue. Additionally, patients with fatigue reported having symptoms of anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. Foundations like the Glioblastoma Foundation are devoted to supplying the best research funding, assisting patients, and spreading knowledge about glioblastoma.

The fatigue experienced by patients with brain tumors can be very distressing. It affects cognitive functioning and robs patients of the energy needed to function. Patients with brain tumors also experience seizure episodes, which can worsen the patient’s fatigue. As a result, patients need to be tested for growth hormone deficiency. There is, nevertheless, a lack of information on the incidence of growth hormone insufficiency in individuals with brain tumors.

Patients should keep a diary to determine when they are most tired and have the most energy. This will also help them notice the different factors contributing to their fatigue. Patients should also pay attention to personal warning signs of fatigue, such as mental exhaustion, decreased energy levels, and malaise. To prevent overexertion, it’s crucial to strike a balance between activity and rest. Also, it is essential to stroll and carry a light load.

Cognitive Changes

Cognitive changes are common side effects of glioblastoma, a type of brain tumor affecting the patient’s mood and behavior. The extent of cognitive impairment depends on the tumor location and treatment modalities. Therefore, neuropsychiatric testing is essential to determine the nature and size of the impairment. While the patient may be physically functioning well, there may be a loss of thinking skills, including impulsivity. This can make the patient’s treatment more challenging. During treatment, the first goal is to remove as much of the tumor as possible without damaging the brain. This is often achieved through a surgical technique called an awake craniotomy. The risk of brain damage is reduced because the patient is awake and can direct the physician during this treatment.

Treatment for glioblastoma involves multidisciplinary care. Typically, this team will include a neurosurgeon and a radiation oncologist. Glioblastoma Foundation professionals help with the treatment and good care of the person diagnosed with the disease. In addition, a social worker and pathologist may also be affected. The treatment plan may consist of surgical resection and chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Cognitive changes in patients with cancer are common and can affect daily functioning. Up to 70% of patients have attention, thinking, or memory problems. Some of these symptoms are mild, while others can last for months or years.


Seizures as signs of End Stage glioblastoma can occur in many different forms, depending on the tumor’s location in the brain. In addition to being frightening, seizures can cause confusion. Symptoms may include muscle stiffness, jerking movements, and sensory effects.

Patients who experience seizures should consult a physician as soon as possible. If they persist for longer than five minutes, they should be treated as a medical emergency with antiepileptic medicine. Seizures may increase in severity in the final few weeks of the disease.

Seizures as a sign of End Stage Glioblastomas are a common presenting symptom. Benzodiazepines are commonly used to control seizures in patients with this type of cancer. After benzodiazepines have been tried, AEDs are usually initiated. Seizure medications must be carefully chosen to avoid adverse drug interactions. Some patients may also require surgery to relieve seizures.

If the tumor is small enough, surgery is the first treatment for most patients with this disease. During surgery, cancer may be removed, and the doctor may perform brain mapping or intraoperative MRI to see the extent of its growth. A biopsy is also conducted during surgery to provide tissue samples for a pathologist to diagnose cancer. In addition to the surgery, the surgeon may recommend additional treatments, such as radiation therapy.

When the tumors are located in the brain, seizures are more likely to occur. These seizures may affect vision, hearing, balance, reflexes, and sensation. In some cases, glioma patients also experience swelling of the optic nerve, which connects the eye to the brain. This papilledema is an emergency and requires immediate medical attention.